Getting started with coupons can be one of the most overwhelming, frustrating and tedious thing you can put yourself through.  Before I had a real grip on coupons I would get so frustrated, and even emotional, because I knew I really needed to save my little family money. My Husband was our sole provider and was making just enough for us to get by. I knew coupons could be my saving grace, but I had no idea how to where I needed to be. I search high and low on the internet, but everything was so confusing and offered no help getting started. Most of the sites even today just offer you the deals with no real direction on how to put them together. I am really excited to start this series, even though my blog is so small if I help just one person that will be enough for me.

I have always tried to explain what I was doing with my coupon and how I found the deals when anyone asked me while I was in the stores but every single person just stares at me and say ” oh I wish I could do that”. Well I am here to motivate you and tell you, you can do this. Once you get into the swing of things your going to ask yourself why you weren’t doing this in the first place.

Before you even start couponing there are some basics you should get in place. You need to set a realistic goal of where you want to be and what you are trying to accomplish. Are you trying to lower your grocery bill or trying to cut your cost on certain personal items? Are you trying to stock up on things or trying to be able to donate items regularly to you local charity? Whatever you own personal reason may be, write it down. It’s so much easier to glance at something and gain perspective when you are feeling lost. I have included a free printable that you can add to your coupon binders or hang in any place you might need a little encouragement. I chose to hang mine in my coupon stock closet. It lets me know what I am working toward when I get tired of cutting coupons or am feeling a little lazy. I am human and need motivation!

Couponing Goals

(You can print your own copy here, if you are unfamiliar with google docs you just need to click the little download button at the top of the menu bar then print it. If you just right-click and save picture it will only show up as a little box you are unable to open.)

Speaking of realistic goals, please for the love of god do not base your goals on the ridiculous show “Extreme Couponing”. I want each and every one of you to succeed and if you plan on getting $1000 worth of crap for free your very first time, you are just setting your self up for failure. For homework I want you to think about what you truly want with couponing. What’s going to really make you commit to this?   Getting started with coupons part 2, will be coming in 2 days. Make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss out. I will also be doing a live webinar at the end of this series to answer any questions you still have floating around.  See you all soon



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Hello! My name is Ashley.
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