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DIY Febreze

Use DIY Febreze for the freshest smell!
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time10 minutes
Total Time15 minutes
Servings: 0
Author: Ashley



  • ¼ Cup Downy Unstopables your favorite scent
  • 2 Tablespoons baking soda
  • 3 Cups HOT water


  • In a mixing bowl or tall container that you DO NOT want to use for food again (the smell of the fabric softener never goes away), combine the Downy Unstobables and hot water.
  • Add the baking soda 1 tablespoon at a time slowly stirring (to prevent clumping).
  • Add mixture to empty spray bottle and fill the rest of the way with cool water. Shake vigorously to make sure evrything is combined.
  • Add label to you bottle and bask in the smell of savings!

So for this batch of DIY Febreze, I decided to use my absolute favorite scent of Downy Unstopables and it smelled amazing! It also lasted just as long as normal Febreze! To my surprise, I did notice that one or two sprays of the DIY Febrese really did the trick even for tough odors like my shoe closet! I was even more amazed that I had absolutely nothing left behind!


FYI if you are worried about staining: I spilled this batch (which turned out to be purple) on my gray pants and had absolutely no spots after it dried. 


A few tips for making your own DIY Febreze:

When you make your first batch of DIY Febreze, keep in mind to really add the baking soda slowly and stir as you go to prevent clumping. If you do run into any issues, try adding less baking soda your next go round.

If you DO notice that your are getting left over residue, you can opt to use 2 teaspoons fulls of rubbing alcohol instead of the baking soda to help it dry faster.

If you do not normally use the Downy Unstopables, do not go out and buy them just for this! You can use 3 tablespoons of liquid softener in it’s place. ALSO, if you happen to have a scent allergy, you could also use Borax (also a fabric softener) and essential oils to control the scent.

Do pay more than $1 for the spray bottle! You can pick them up from Walmart or even the Dollar Store for less than $1!


Want a FREE handy dandy label for your bottle?

You can print yours by clicking the image below. I printed mine onto shipping labels because that is what I already had laying around my house. They actually fit perfectly onto the 32 oz spray bottle I got from Walmart.

DIY Febreze Label

All in all, making your own Febreze is super easy and can save you a ton! I love not having to have Febreze on my shopping list anymore!

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Hello! My name is Ashley.
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Recipe Rating


  1. 5 stars
    I love this and have tried another recipe that I found that was water, scent beads and alcohol. Each time I have tried this (4 total!) I run into the same issue every time – the bottle clogs. I’ve added more alcohol, tried less alcohol, yet each time I get a few regular sprays then it clogs. I also used 4 different bottles. I’ve not tried this recipe with baking soda. Great ingredients as the baking soda will absorb orders, but I’m not sure if it keeps the nozzle from clogging. Any ideas? Has anyone experienced this? Any help is appreciated!

  2. 5 stars
    This. Is. Amazing! Thanks so much for the recipe share, I swear that real febreze keeps getting more expensive And the bottles keep shrinking. This is life and budget saver!

  3. New to your site and loving it!! Thanks for all the yummy sounding recipes and DIY tips, just need more hours in my day ’cause I want to try everything NOW!! Looking forward to more.