Don’t have the cash for vacation? Plan the ultimate staycation instead! It can be just as fun and doesn’t have to cost you a thing!
While vacations can help you escape the hustle, bustle, and day-to-day responsibilities of everyday life, they are not always in the cards for everyone. But, just because you can’t physically go to an exotic place, doesn’t mean you can’t pretend like it! That’s where the term staycation comes into play!
I usually find myself daydreaming about exotic vacation destinations in my laundry room. I don’t know if it’s because laundry is my most dreaded task or the amazing smell of Gain Tropical Sunrise, but either way I can’t help myself. There is just something about the scents of Gain Laundry Detergent that seems to trigger memories of my fondest summer vacations in Florida. I might just be one of those weird people that can smell or taste something that instantly brings back great times from the past, but I love it.
I would love to go back this year, but like I said before, vacation is not in the cards (thanks to a brand new little one). That’s why this year, I am going to plan the ultimate staycation for my family and you should consider one too! You might just be surprised how awesome and freeing it really can be for the whole family.
How to Plan the Ultimate Staycation
Just like planning a real vacation, the more fun you plan, the more likely the staycation will be successful.
- One of the very first things you need to do when planning your staycation is to set a reasonable budget. If you are looking to just hang around the house and save money, that is perfectly fine. But, if you do have a little cash to add to your staycation fund, make sure you make a plan for it. Think about allocating money toward a few fun activities that are out of the norm for your family like bowling, eating out, or even just a trip to the movies.
- Before you just take the week off and sit home, make a plan on what you are actually going to do with your time! I know for me personally, this is usually where I mess things up. I will take the time, not make a plan on what to actually do with it, and just end up sitting home like a bump on a log. Don’t be like me! Hold a family meeting and get together a list of ideas that everyone can agree on. Looking to be a little spontaneous? Take that list of ideas/things to do and put it in a jar and pick one out a day.
- Get your house in order for your staycation! The very last thing you want to do on your staycation is normal everyday tasks like cleaning or grocery shopping! Make a list and stock up on everything you might need like laundry detergent, dish soap, and easy meals so you only have to hit the store once. You could get even create a batch of freezer meals so all you have to do is pull one out to feed the family. Speaking of laundry soap, when you head to Walmart, you can pick up a huge Gain 150 oz. Liquid Laundry Detergent that’s on Rollback for only $13.44. Even sweeter, use the SmartSource coupon from your 2/25 Sunday paper or for $5 off the purchase of 3 Gain items.
- Set a few ground rules for everyone. I don’t mean this in a strict way, but when it’s time for the staycation, it should feel like a real vacation. Set a time when your staycation starts and ends so everyone is on the same page. Also consider things like no cell phones during family time, no computer/TV, etc.
Most Importantly, Have Fun!
I can’t stress this enough! As with any vacation, not everything will go according to plan and that’s OK. Your main goal with a staycation is just to have fun, enjoy your time and make memories. And, because you are close to home, now would be a great time to get creative and try new activities like Geocaching, enjoying local theater, or even visiting a local museum. The possibilities are really endless and don’t have to cost you a thing (based on what you choose to do).
Have you ever planned a staycation? What did you do? Any tips or tricks I missed?
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Gain at Walmart. The opinions and text are all mine.