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What You Need to Know About Renters Insurance

Renting a new apartment whether it’s your first one or fortieth, is an exciting time. Before you spend time scoping out the closest coffee shop or the tastiest pizza place, you need to make sure your possessions are completely protected. How do you do that you’re wondering, well the answer is super simple and very affordable! You pick up a renter’s insurance policy! Check out what you need to know about renters insurance including the average cost, what’s covered, and how to find a policy below.

What You Need to Know About Renters Insurance

What You Need to Know About Renters Insurance

When I moved into my first apartment I always thought that if something like a fire ever happened, my stuff would be protected by my landlord’s insurance. Little did I know, that just wasn’t the case. Landlords only carry enough insurance to cover their building and property. Anything after that, is up to you. That’s why renter’s insurance is so important.

Renters insurance protects your possessions AND you! If something like a fire or other damage happens to your apartment and you need somewhere to stay while your building gets repaired, you would be covered. A rental insurance policy provides additional living expenses, which can pay for a hotel stay, temporary rentals, meals and other expenses you may have.

Check out the following link to find out what to look in a fire damage lawyer –

Another thing about renter’s insurance, it doesn’t just cover your possessions in your apartment. It even covers your things when you are on the go! That means, even if your suffering the net in your favorite new coffee shop and your phone gets stolen, you’re still covered. Renters insurance can even pay medical bills if someone is accidentally hurt while visiting you at your apartment.

With so many positives, there is really no reason not to find your perfect renters insurance policy!

How Much Does a Renters Insurance Policy Cost?

What You Need to Know About Renters Insurance

I know what you’re thinking… Having coverage like this must be expensive. But, renters insurance is actually a lot more affordable than you think. In fact, if you get both a car and renters policy together, you may even get a multipolicy discount. And, in some cases, the discount actually pays for the renter’s policy.

I know for me personally, I hold a renter’s insurance policy through Erie Insurance and only cots me half of one of my monthly car insurance payment to cover an ENTIRE YEAR of renters insurance!

Once you request a quote from Erie, you will see just how sensible and affordable renters insurance really can be!

How to Find a Renters Insurance Policy

What You Need to Know About Renters Insurance

If you’re ready to find a renter’s insurance policy, you need to make sure you work with a company you can trust. Erie insurance fits that bill to the T. They have amazing customer service and highly trained agents to help you find the right amount of coverage for you. I have held a renter’s insurance policy with them for over 5 years now and could not be happier.

Anxiety can keep you from enjoying what matters. Don’t let that happen to you. When you trust that your stuff is secure, you can spend your energy appreciating all of life’s sweetness and small pleasures – a walk in the rain, an early bloom in the garden, a warm evening counting fireflies. Erie Insurance just wants to help you to be able to relax, sink into that favorite chair and enjoy a good cup of joe knowing your covered for the “just in case”.

So, when you are making that move-in check list, make sure the very first thing on it reads “Sign up for a renter’s insurance with Erie.”


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Hello! My name is Ashley.
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