To be brutally honest, last year I completely over did Christmas. I bought WAY to many gifts for my family too the point that my son still has some unopened toys in his closet even today. My son is my first child and only child. As you could have imagined, I got so caught up in trying to make sure that he had everything he could ever want that I, myself, lost sight of the true meaning of Christmas and the holiday spirit.
The true spirit of Christmas is something I would so much rather pass on and share with my family than material items. This year, to make sure I don’t get sucked back into all of the commercialism of Christmas, I decided to put together a Christmas Kindness Calendar that my whole family could do together.
One of the true meaning to the holidays is making sure to be kind to others and this Christmas Kindness Calendar is how I plan on doing that. I figure if I can break down the busy month of December into small random acts of kindness, there is no excuse for me (and my family) to not get something kind done for someone else every single day.
Would you join me in spreading the kindness this year?
With all the dark going on in the world, it’s time to do what we can to make sure that the light shines through. Print you very own Christmas Kindness Calendar by clicking on the image below and make a difference this year.
Find out more about the Kindness acts mentioned in this calendar
- On December 2nd, you will see I mentioned take part in Operation Gratitude. In case you are not familiar, Operation Gratitude sends 200,000+ care packages filled with food, entertainment, hygiene, and handmade items, plus personal letters of appreciation to Veterans, First Responders, New Recruits, Wounded Heroes, their Care Givers, and to individually named U.S. service members deployed overseas and their families waiting at home. You can find out more about this awesome program HERE.
- On December 3rd, you will be packing a shoe box for a child in need for Operation Christmas Child. This is a great activity to teach your little one (or bigger one) about giving. You can find out more about this project HERE.
- You can find some awesome no-sew blanket kits below for December 4th.
- You can find your local blood drive location for December 10th HERE. If you have never donated blood before, DON’T BE SCARED! It really is almost painless and can save up too 3 lives from one donation. Can’t donate? Volunteer!
- Find some awesome DIY gift ideas for December 18th below! All are super easy and require little to no effort! A DIY gift is the best gift to give!
A Quick Note:
Don’t feel discouraged if you miss a day or an activity. I just wanted to throw out that no one is judging you. The holiday’s are busy and sometimes thing do not go as planned. You can “make up” for your missed day by continuing your kindness year round. Even the smallest act of kindness can change a life.