
Lets get real, we all love Febreze, but it can be ridiculously expensive (even on sale)! Even with coupons, sometimes its just unreal how much this stuff cost. While standing in the checkout line at my local Target with my regular two bottles in hand, it hit me. Why not make my own. I mean I know this stuff is not made out of gold, so why am I paying an arm and a leg for it.


After a little trial and error, I came up with a with a super simple way to make something that is highly comparable to Febreze. Believe it or not my DIY Febreze only has three ingredients too! It’s also highly customization to your preference. Even if you don’t happen to have the few ingredients on hand, it will still cost you a fraction of the price that your normal supply of Febreze would to just buy them.

When I first started my little trail and error making my own DIY Febreze I was worried that my concoction was going to leave a stick/greasy weird residue. To be honest, the very first batch did leave a residue but it was not gross like I thought it was going to be. It was like a powdery one that would literally just wipe/ vacuum away with my hand, but still smelled great and lasted for a while.


That gave me the motivation I needed to fine tune the ingredients without the worry that I was going to ruin all my household fabrics.

With three simple things you probably already have around your house, you too can stop spending a small fortune on something that you can make for yourself in less than 15 minutes.  I have even whipped you guys up a label to stick on your bottle (which by the way I got from the Walmart for less than a buck)!

Recipe and Instructions on next page, click below!



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Hello! My name is Ashley.
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